Backfeeding 5G: Beating Bad Internet with VLANs
Obsidian Livesync: The Followup
Onboarding at Meta: ramp-up plan and why it matters
Great Starter Projects
Meta vs Google: first take on eng culture
Android Safety UX: Safety Center 2.0
Android Safety UX: Introducing Safety Centre
Android Safety UX: From Play Protect to Safety Center
Android Safety UX: Google Play Protect
Android Safety UX: Package Verification in the Android OS
Android Safety UX: What's that all about?
Android Safety UX: Perception is Reality or Hidden Challenges in Cybersecurity
Minimal HHVM Development Environment
Obsidian with LiveSync: your very own CouchDB-backed cloud notes
Kindle Scribe: writing directly on the page and margins for sideloaded books
VoiceMemoBot: for the love of human voice
Far Manager for Linux and MacOS
Policy Based Routing using Unifi USG3
Audioengine speakers in Linux
Smart failover on Unifi Security Gateway
Docker Compose Vars
Tag and Deploy to Docker
Arduino + Rust + Qemu = ?
Reading beyond paper
Difficulties of Blogging
Headless developer machine on Proxmox - Part II
Headless developer machine on Proxmox - Part I